Friday, January 13, 2012

It’s the end of the world as we know it…

an image of mayan calendar on cosumel island' ...

Image via Wikipedia

December 21st, 2012 has been touted as the end of the world…according to the Mayan calendar.

I’ve been picking up on all the hype over the past few months and just sort of absorbing it in. The continual conspiracy theories and rumors around why they ended on that specific date. I remember when the y2k scare was going around, the fear of the world ending because all of the computers were going to shut down! Oh the horror! Basically the programmers just programmed up to that time and then stopped so they could work on other parts. More than likely planning on getting back to updating that part of code later.

Well that got me to thinking and I developed some theories of my own. Maybe the person who made the calendar ran out of rock and never got around to getting any more? Maybe it was his turn to be the ritual sacrifice? Maybe he got busted by the prince on having an affair with the princess? Maybe that’s the day they ascended back to the heavens?

There’s all sorts of theories on why it ends at this date. Personally I think that’s as far as they got for their day (It really was a very impressive feat, figuring the calendar up to that date!) and just said ‘Ok, that’s enough for now, I’ll finish it later.”

Honestly, I’ll admit I’m not really that worried. I mean if it is the end of the world then so be it, nothing I can really do to prevent it. So instead I plan to make the most of this year. Learn a new programming language, achieve some certifications and take a well deserved rest while painting the house. Ok, that may not seem like a rest but to me it is!

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